Your Year End Review

Now, I’m not talking about your typical grueling “year end review” that you may or may not be looking forward to with your boss.

This is the kind of year end review that is tailored and created for you! In hopes that it will allow you to move with more intention, confidence, and excitement in to the new year and all the hype of “new year, new you”, “new years resolutions”, “goals and projects galore,” blah blah blah!

Download the FREE workbook PDF under the Resources section.

One of my favorite reflecting tools is a series of prompts like “highs and lows” but so much better! The four prompts are:

Flowers: Things that bloomed, good things that happened

Rain: Things that were challenging, growth moments

Weeds: Habits/beliefs/things that need to be plucked away

Seeds: Dreams or ideas, something planted in you by the Lord, hasn’t come to fruition yet

Doing these four prompts for the whole year would be a lot, so we will break the year up in to quarters. Start with Jan-Mar, then Apr-Jun, next Jul-Sep, finally Oct-Dec. I have a free pdf resource that breaks this up for you in to organized boxes to reflect!

The other reflecting tool I like to use I call “the three questions.”

  1. What are you going to celebrate from this past year?

  2. What was FUN this past year?

  3. What worked and didn’t work this year?

I hope these two prompts help you start the process of reflecting on the past year. Reflecting backwards is SUCH a powerful step in being able to create, plan, and dream about the future!

Now, there are thousands of questions and prompts you could use to reflect so I encourage you, if any questions came to your mind while you were working through this, answer those! This reflection is not an exhaustive list, but simply a handful of prompts to get you in to the mindset of reflecting! For some this might be more than enough, but for others you might want to dive deeper. If you’d like to dive deeper from this head on over to my resource tab to download the FULL Year End Review Guide.

much love,



An Even Better Grand Adventure