Until I Fade
It’s been snowing off and on this week in Colorado, in fact as I type now it’s snowing outside of my window. Now, if you know me you know I am pretty excited and ready for it to be Spring. Don’t get me wrong the snow is growing on me and there is a beauty too it. But wow I find an immense beauty in the blooming of Spring. A while ago I spent some time reflecting on fields and flowers and vast beauty. I thought I’d share a piece of that reflection with you:
Blooming like a flower, planted like a seed. I need water to live, water to sustain. Propensity to droop and wither without it. Or worse might I fear that without it nothing will come of me at all. No sprout, no growth.
I want to go after big things. Audaciously. Big adventures. Until I fade. Although I desire to bloom, inevitably one day I will also fade. Just because I will fade does not mean my blooming isn’t any less important, in fact I think it means it’s more important.
To bloom is to be seen and to be seen is to show my Creator, my Tender, my Waterer - and that is worth it.
Maybe you want to go after big things too. Maybe you’ve tried and things keep falling short. You get distracted, discouraged, and in disbelief. This weekend I spent a lot more time inside due to the snow, and that made me a little grumpy. I got into an impatience rut.
You see, the frustrating thing about being a flower is that I don’t sprout and flourish immediately. How inconvenient haha! There is a patience and a waiting that can often feel painfully too long. All too quickly, my impatience becomes a breeding place, fertile soil, for the three things I mentioned before.
My reminder for myself and for you is that as I am a seed planted, there is not “more I can do” or “more I can be.” It’s not about mustering it up so things happen faster. It’s about being, it’s about trusting, it’s about staying curious in wonder, and it’s about staying.
If you are a seed planted right now and are wrestling with impatience, I hope there is something here that struck you today. Something here that encouraged you. A reminder to honor where you’re at and that the beautiful journey of growth is worth it. So worth it.
much love,